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The Exclusive Cash Secrets for Wealth Empowerment
has been designed to empower everyone, even if you are a 16-year old or 60 years old!! Even if you are in debts, if you are a complete newbie with ABSOLUTELY NO previous experience, NO technical skills, No expertise and have failed once or many times before. It all changes now. Nigeria has gone to the stage of producing more graduates to the labor market, leaving the labor market quite saturated. You will agree with me that this trend has created more job seekers than ever. I have attempted to create a solution to this problem in this book and you will find yourself smiling to the bank as soon as you follow through the contents in this book. Can success be guaranteed in every venture one undertakes? Well that’s a tricky question and the answer to it is ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Let me briefly explain The truth is that success can be guaranteed. But if anyone making such claim allows that sentence to stand alone as it is, he is going to be in trouble sooner or later. Why? Because as people differ in their approach in doing something, making such a universal claim without qualifying it will lead to one being accused of lying. If you say success can be guaranteed in every enterprise one undertakes, how do you account for those who don’t succeed even though they gave their venture what they call “their best shot?” Yet, will it be right to say that because some fail to succeed then success cannot be guaranteed? The answer again is no. So what is the conflict we are dealing with here? It is this: In life, you can achieve anything you want, provided that you are prepared to give what it takes to get it. Bravo! The conflict is resolved! Jim Rohn, one of America’s most sought after public speakers and author of the life-changing book, Seven Strategies for Wealth and Happiness, is even convinced that success is not for everyone. He argues, and I’m in complete agreement with him, that “no matter what you do, there are some people that cannot be changed. It is a complete waste of time to worry about such people”, he says. It sounds like he’s cold-hearted. But that is the blunt truth. It is amazing how people you think should be hungrier for information to turn their lives around are the very people who show the least interest in such matters. When it comes to giving excuses about why they are not doing what they ought to be doing, they have no rivals. They know how to spread blames around like confetti: Guaranteed success? Yes, it is within your reach. But you must first apply the principles that will open the particular doors you want to open in your life. One of the BIGGEST obstacles right now that is stopping regular people from making BIG money, or at least enough money to achieve their desires and satisfy their needs is NOT that it’s impossible to make big money - but it is the facts owing to one or all of the following reasons: That they do NOT have the technical skills, the money, or the time to do what it takes and/or they do not have a step-by-step SIMPLE plan teaching them something that is easy to do, that WORKS and can actually give them results FAST! But it ALL changes NOW! EVEN If your IQ is 70 or 270 This system WILL WORK if you follow the step by step procedures that have been elaborately explained in this book, you’ll be on your way to financial freedom! Caleb Eze (Infopreneur) CEO Caltech Global   Chapter 1 Part and parcel of emotional intelligence is an awareness of how your behavior impacts others and the desire to minimize pain, unnecessary discomfort, or embarrassment to others. As much as learning how to be successful is gainful, sabotaging your career is a loose end. People with insufficient emotional intelligence often possess five characters traits that lead to losing the competitive edge at work. Of course, there may be others, but these are the ones that seem to trip people up most frequently: • Condescension • Abrasiveness • Belligerence • Blaming • Insensitivity Each one alone is bad enough, but when one person possesses all the five traits (and some people do), it’s deadly. You may wonder how anyone with the five characteristics could survive for long in an organization. It happens in a number of circumstances. The most common scenario is that the person possesses a unique skill set that’s difficult to find or reproduce. The person usually knows this, and it serves only to exacerbate the offensive behaviors. He or she has no reason to change because the behavior gets rewarded along with the value skills. The obvious problem here is that sooner or later someone with the same skills, but not the offensive behavior, comes along and looks mighty attractive to the organization. Here are some examples of how the five deadly character traits play out in real life. Condescension Condescension is characterized by giving others the feeling that you’re placating them or doing them a favor. People who are condescending hold themselves above others due to real or perceived status or privilege. Whether or not they really are of higher status isn’t the point. There are people of the highest social standing who aren’t condescending, and people of the lowest who are. Abrasiveness Abrasive behaviors involve acting out against other people. Whereas condescending people are at times, passive aggressive (appearing benign on the surface, but subversively acting in their own best interests), abrasive people are just plain aggressive. On the assertive- aggressive chart they score high in self-expression but low in concern for others. Abrasive people care more about the content of their messages and less about the impact that the messages will have on others. They choose “hard” words to get the point across rather than neutral ones. Hard words are those that offend or attack, whereas neutral ones lean toward bridging differences of opinion and problem solving. Hard: It’s obvious that you simply didn’t put the time into writing the report that it required. If you had, it wouldn’t have turned out so ineptly written and blatantly filled with mistakes. Neutral: The report isn’t what I had anticipated. It contains numerous errors of facts and grammar. I’m wondering whether the time required doing it was actually devoted to it. You will note that the neutral statement did not attack or condemn, but rather presented a simple statement of fact. Belligerence Belligerence behaviors involve giving opinions that are verbally abusive. Some of us are mean-spirited and act as though we’re better than everyone else. Although belligerent people verbally profess peaceful intentions their actions are contentious and designed to inflame the situation not ameliorate it. They act not in good faith, but in ways good for them personally Blaming Most of us have had the displeasure of working with blaming or Teflon bosses or co-workers. When something goes wrong, watch out, because someone is going to wind up the scapegoat. Their inability to admit to their own mistakes goes beyond any single mistake; it’s at the very core of their interactions with others. People who are unable to admit mistakes are frequently the very same people who lack insight into their own behavior. Insensitivity Insensitive people tend to disregard others’ preferences or desires, embarrass others with thoughtless comments and make certain that their own needs prevail. They frequently speak before they think, thereby saying things that in retrospect they wish they hadn’t-but the damage is already done. Insensitivity isn’t always thoughtless at times; it’s an intentionally used tactical weapon. Insensitivity, whether intentional or otherwise, gives the impression that you are loose cannon. People who are insensitive are frequently excluded from important client or customer meetings for fear of what they’re going to say. Insensitive people wind up being avoided in workplace because their co-workers don’t particularly care to set themselves up for hurt or embarrassment. In conclusion, failing to know how you affect others, being unaware that you may have hurt someone else, and neglecting to ask for feedback about your behavior are other examples of these deadly character traits, which may also be viewed as lacking insight. People who lack insight have huge blind spots about their own personalities because they are largely oblivious to how people respond to them. They fail to see the reactions of others because they are so absorbed in themselves. Lack of insight probably causes more careers to hit the skids than any other single factor. Like I said earlier on, stop sabotaging your career and start focusing on ways to scale up the proven money making systems that will continue to generate income for you if properly done, which I’m about to share with you. If you’re prepared to give what it takes to get what you want, then take a walk with me as I lead you through these systems in the next few chapters!   Chapter 2 It is amazing how the internet has made it possible for anyone to generate income right from the comfort of their home. Now, we are going to be looking at a simple system that utilizes the power of the email to generate income. Once set up the system runs on autopilot; all you do then is to look at the backend and monitor how it is performing in terms of response of the target market and the money it is generating. From the performance report you are getting you can adjust certain things or scale up the system for maximum earnings. Our goal here is to make $1000 in a week, but the beautiful thing about the systems is that there is no limit to how much you can make: Once you know how to set it up you can go ahead to set up multiple campaigns, with each bringing you money around the clock. I can comfortably say everyone that regularly uses the internet has an email; therefore, with the billions of people that use the internet globally this system surely guarantees continual and sustainable income. What You Need What you need to set up the system are just three things- an email capturing system with autoresponder, a squeeze page and a valuable product to give away. Email Capturing System with Autoresponder This is a system that helps you to capture email addresses of people who are interested in a particular thing. You can send them follow-up messages and build a relationship with them. This will make it easier for you to promote things they are interested in to them and for them to buy. There are businesses offering email capturing services, these include and Getresponse and Aweber are paid services and they offer different price ranges depending on the number of emails you have captured. You can pay for the services if you can afford it, but for you my dear reader and beginner I will recommend a free service like which is equally effective, although they will run advertisements along with your message. Their adverts do not interfere with your message, so you don’t need to worry about it. Besides you can move your subscribers later to the paid service when you start making money, that’s if you like. Squeeze Page A squeeze page is where the email capturing system will be placed for your target audience to sign up to your list. You can buy a web hosting service to host your squeeze page and other files (we can help you with affordable web hosting service), but you can also use a free website like to create your squeeze page if you cannot afford a paid web hosting service. Valuable Product TO Give Away You will need to create a valuable product to give away to your target market to get them to sign up to your mail list. This product is free but you will use it as a means to get subscribers who are your potential customers. The product can be a report or eBook in PDF format. The report should be valuable, that is, should contain information most of the people you are targeting are looking for. If you have a web hosting account, you can upload the report to your server, and the download link to the report will be automatically sent to your subscribers to get after their subscriptions to your email list have been confirmed. If you cannot afford a web hosting account now, you can use the free service to upload your report –their system generates a download link through which your subscribers can download it. There is nothing wrong using this free service to start if you cannot afford a paid web hosting service, however, make sure you change to a paid service when you start making money. Like anything free, there are short comings associated with it like going against their terms of use in error and getting your account limited or banned. You can create your report by researching the internet for the information you need. Where you need to lift articles from some websites to use in the report, make sure you give adequate attribution to them. You can also use PLR articles and eBooks to create your product to be given away. PLR articles and eBooks give you the rights to use them as your own materials with your name as the author on them. How to Set Up the System Having stated what you need. I will now go into how to set up the system, and how you can build your income to $1,000 per week. Determine a Profitable Market to target There are lots of things- both digital and solid Products and Services- that people purchase on the Internet daily. The online market can therefore be segmented into various categories and each category can be further segmented. For example, we have the financial products and services segment where a number of things are sold, including debt resolution, credit card, insurance, mortgage services, e.t.c. We have the health and wellness market, home maintenance, office improvement, home entertainment, sports, body fitness, beauty and fashion, income generation, education, Self improvement market, love and relationship, e.t.c. That are lots of profitable markets you can exploit other than the make money online market which most people go into even with little or no experience as how it works. To be sure that the market you want to exploit is profitable, check if there are products and services sold in that market, read customers’ product reviews, and visit forums related to the market and get peoples’ feel about such buying products. If the general feeling about the market is that people are used to buying products or services then you have a profitable market to exploit. Also, check the possible size of the market by using Google Adwords’ Keyword Planner: which you will find when you sign up with Google Adwords at Type in the keyword of the market you are prospecting, e.g. forex trading; the tool will show you the number of people searching for the keyword in a month. It will also show you other keywords people interested in that industry search for each month, e.g. learn forex trading, and forex trading for beginners. This will give you an idea of the size of that market. The keyword planner tool also has “suggested bid” feature which shows the amount of money people are bidding on the keywords for their adverts to show on Google. Higher suggested bid shows that the market is profitable, because advertisers will not spend more money in advertising their products if they were not going to make profit. Determine a Profitable Product to Promote Similar to finding out the right market to target, you should also look a profitable to promote. The product can be one you created, one you have resale rights to sell, or an affiliate product which will earn you a commission when sold. If it’s an affiliate product look for one with a very strong landing page and a good commission. There are places you can find product to promote as affiliate. These include,,, and Create Your Give Away Product Create a report or eBook on a topic relating to the product you are promoting that is valuable to the audience you are targeting. To create a product, you can research the internet and get the information you need to create the report or you can use Private Label Rights (PLR) articles or eBook. Put some relevant articles from the PLR product together to form the report. In the report, make sure to also elaborately introduce and promote your product, with the link to the landing page of the product inserted in the report. For instance, at the bottom of the report, you can introduce the product and tell the reader the benefits of the product, and why they need to check it out with a statement like: “See how to maintain a smooth skin 100% devoid of acne here: THE URL (LINK) OF THE LANDING PAGE INSERTED”. This will start off the marketing. Whenever anyone reads the report or eBook, they will see the advert at the bottom and may check it out and possibly buy it, and you make a commission. Your eBook or report should be created professionally to avoid it being dumped and not read as a result of poor quality presentation. You must proofread it and ensure it is well formatted before giving it out Create a 5 or 6 Part Message for the Autoresponder You will need to create a short course or tips that will be set to run for five or six days. When someone subscribes to your mailing list, the autoresponder of the email capturing system will be triggered off and it will send the messages on the days that you have set it to. The short course or tips helps to establish a relationship with subscribers, give you an expert status, and make it easier for the subscribers to order the product. At the close of each message you will advertise the product and let them see the need to order it. The idea of having a series of well coordinated messages in form of a short course or tips sent to the subscribers at an interval is to put them in a better state of mind to make the purchase. It is a fact that people are more likely to make a purchase if they’ve seen an advertisement several times than if they’ve seen it only once. Just like the way you created your giveaway product, you can create your e-course or follow-up messages by using PLR articles, or doing a little research online for necessary information. Create an Ecover for the Report or EBook You need an ecover to display on squeeze page that people can see and evaluate the report with. Although having an ecover is optional, it makes it more professional to have a well designed ecover that represents your report. You will have more people wanting to sign in and get the book than if you don’t have an ecover displayed. If you can’t design an ecover yourself, you can have a graphical expert do it for you at a minimal fee or get it done at for $5 (you can also contact me on this) Setting Up the System: Sign up for an email capturing system with Aweber, Getresponse, or any other company that offers the service; or Listwire for a free service. After signing up, browse the site to have a good understanding of how it works. You will be able to create an email list that your subscribers will be accommodated in. You can generate a code to display a form that people can fill and subscribe to your list. Set up your autoresponder follow-up messages with the ecourse or tips/messages you have created. You can set the system to send each message at a four or five day interval. Depending on what you are marketing, you may not need to use your real name as the sender of the message; you can adopt a pen name if you think the receiver of the message may not be comfortable with the sender because of his/her name. Set up your squeeze page by offering your free report or eBook. Insert the ecover of the report so people can have a mental picture of the kind of information they will be getting. Paste the form code in it so people can sign up to have access to the report. That done, you can now launch the campaign to start making money! Launching Of the Marketing Campaign: Remember we are targeting $1,000 income per week. Even though that amount can be made per week from one campaign by an experienced marketer, a newbie can target $200 per week from one campaign. They can use the knowledge gained in setting up a campaign to set up several campaigns and multiply their earnings. So if you set up five campaigns, with each targeting $200 per week, you still have our target of $1,000 per week income. Launch Your Marketing Campaign by Promoting Your Squeeze Page You have to start getting the attention of your target market to your free report or eBook. You need to locate where your target market is and how to get them to your squeeze page. On the Internet, people of different interests mainly visit and use tools provided by social media sites, blogs, forums, news sites, entertainment/ sports/ authority websites. You will have to decide on how to reach your prospective customers from these sites. If you have a budget, paid advertising is easier and works faster than free advertising. Fortunately, with limited budget you can advertise on Facebook, Google Adwords, and Yahoo, which are the biggest pay per click advertising platforms. If you have a bigger budget, you can also try placing banner ads on relevant websites where your target audience is. With zero advertising budgets, you can still find and direct the attention of your prospects to your free report, but like I said before, it will not be as effective as the paid option. You can use appropriate forums and put a link to the free report in your signature area or resource box. You will need to make valuable contributions at the forums to get the attention of other users so they can click on the link to your free report. However, make sure you do not spam the forum so as not to be banned. Also, visiting relevant blogs and making valuable comments can make other users of the blog to visit your free report page and sign up. Make your name match with the keyword(s) of the report and hyperlink it to your free report page. Other ways of getting subscribers to your free report include serving as guest blogger to relevant blogs. Contact the blog owners, informing them of your intention to give them original and well written articles for free and in return have a resource box or area where the link to your free report will be placed. Others include creating web pages at,,, and Facebook. Write and submit articles to article directories with the link to the free report imbedded at the bottom of the articles. You can also use Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, answer sites, RSS submission sites, free press release sites, document sharing sites, free classified advertising sites, and slide sharing sites to get new subscribers to your free report that you can then market to. Do a Google search to get the websites in the above groups. Factors that’ll determine the Success of Your Campaign The success of your campaign will be determined by how well you are able to reach your target market and the quality of your message. A poorly crafted and sent message will, instead of endearing you to the heart of the receiver and making them buy your products, make them even more resistant to your offers to the point of perhaps deleting your messages and unsubscribing from your list. On the other hand, if you are able to create a good relationship with subscribers on your list, you can have them for life promoting products they may like to them and earning comfortable income continually. For your message to be right, here are things you should avoid: Sending Too Many Emails This is the most common mistake that people can make when it comes to email marketing; your customers do not want to get two or three emails a week. This can lead to the customer adding your email address to their spam list. When you overload a customer’s inbox, this can create too many emails for a customer to read. They may not always send your emails to their spam, but they may not read all the emails you send out either. They may simply delete them as bothersome. They may open one once in a while if the title appeals to them, but the bulk of the emails you send will not be read and you will be wasting money and time. Instead, send out only one or two emails a week with one larger newsletter a month. The emails that you send out each week can have special offers or sales that will entice your subscribers to read the email. Make sure you keep the emails and newsletters entertaining to keep your customers opening them when they are sent out. Sending False or Incorrect Information Always make sure that the information that you send is one hundred percent accurate and that any promises or deals that you have offered you are willing to follow through on. It can be easy to send out emails offering great deals to your customers to get them on your website or affiliate site. But if they get there and the product is not available or if the price has not been modified properly, you can lose a valued customer. There may be the select few who will contact customer support to see why this issue occurred, but in the long run, your customers will lose confidence in you and your product if you do not keep your word. Always make sure you have plenty of items for sale offered in an email campaign and make sure that the products are listed with their prices. You will also want to double-check any information or news that you offer in your newsletters. Sending outdated or false information is also a great way to lose customer confidence. Conclusion I have just shared with you a proven money making system that will continue to generate income for you if properly done. The saying that “The money is in the list” is very true. But you must treat your list with respect; they are not to be exploited by promoting substandard products to them. But if you try to give them free valuable information most of the time, they will be more prepared to buy things that you recommend if they need them. With this system, you can easily turn in $200 or more in a week as a beginner and create more campaigns for different markets and drive your income upward even above $1,000 per week. If you’re not all techie and you still want to set up this system, here is the solution; we (I) will set up this system for you at a very affordable price. Once it is set up you are guaranteed to earn continual income daily without really working elsewhere, you’ll be your own boss. Chapter 3 The past year and a half has been quite a journey. I’ve gone from starting to learn website design, to quitting my full time job and focusing on an application full-time. All while teaching myself how to program in Objective-C with no prior programming experience. Online store is a programmed website that you can use to sell your products, either digital such as eBooks or physical hardware such as phones online. With online store, you don’t need to worry about employing marketers. You don’t even need a physical brick and mortar store or building. The online store will generate traffic for you from search engines like Google, in fact if you’re a business owner, you will not be considered serious by your customers if you don’t have at least a company website. Technology has made it possible today for you to sell online; selling online is much cost effective because it removes the cost of renting a shop and paying employees. Building a website and even a store online can actually cost you nothing, because there are websites that offer this service for free such as provides a very easy to use platform and gadgets to create your professional online store, although some high quality gadgets which are important are restricted unless you upgrade. is an example of an online store here in Nigeria, you can buy anything you want to buy in a shop on konga and have it delivered to your address before payment. You might ask “what is the importance of an online store”? But before I answer that question let me tell you something, people now find it stressful to buy things in a super market or shop hence the need to start buying and selling online. These are the importance of online store. 1. It makes it easier for people to buy things from the comfort of their homes. 2. The payment on delivery method used in Nigeria eliminates the risk of your money being stolen. 3. Smart Nigerians/businesses now take advantage of this opportunity to make easy money online buy selling on a large scale. 4. Online store reduces or removes the cost of renting shops and/or paying employees. 5. You can manage an online store yourself no need for employing technicians. The above are just few of the benefits of an online store; now let’s look at the essential elements/features of an online store including how to set it up without writing any code. Every day I spend some time programming in Objective-C in order to get better. I have a couple other hobby apps that I work on to expand my skill-set, though I still consider myself a beginner programmer. I am fortunate to work on a project that both makes money and changes lives. Why are some internet businesses wildly successful while others barely generate revenue? It turns out that online shoppers aren’t necessarily looking for fireworks, incredible designs, and a bunch of bells and whistles. Often, online shoppers just want to find the products that they are looking for and then move on quickly. Therefore, here is an outline of the top 10 things that you need on your website to ensure online retail success! 1. Store Name, Location, and Contact Information If you’re 100% online, obviously you won’t have a physical address. However, many online retailers neglect to list even basic information, such as an email or phone number. In this day and age of overwhelming information, your customers need reassurance you’re not just another internet retailer. Customer want to know that if a problem arises or they have a question, they can communicate with a real person. 2. Product or Service Descriptions with Prices While it may be one of most basic things to include, website owners often overlook this. Having easy-to-read, easy-to-navigate, easy-to-find descriptions of products and/or services including pricing and fees, so there are no surprises - is one of the most crucial elements in successful websites. 3. Pictures of Products or Services People are visual, which is why easy navigation is so important. On the same note, having great images of your products or services (perhaps as they’re being performed) visually communicates a wealth of information to your customers and makes it easy for them to evaluate if they’ve found what they’re shopping for. 4. Ordering Process People need to easily find your ordering process. They don’t need to stumble upon or have to search for it. Your ordering process should be easy to locate and easy to use. Ordering process is the means through which those who have placed items in their shopping chart pay for them. Just take a while to examine 5. Lines Carried Listing the product lines you carry and/or the clients you serve clues customers into the type of business they’re looking at. You don’t have time to educate/inform people on your business; therefore they need a quick, easy way to figure out if you’re the kind of business they were searching for when they found your website. 6. Company Background Again, shoppers don’t want “just another retailer.” In a sea of look-alike sites, they want to personally connect with your company. Having a short description of your company and its story sets you apart from other sites. 7. Policies On Warranties, Returns, and Refunds Your site visitors don’t want to search for the fine print. Your policies on warranties, returns, replacements, refunds, and other important shopping factors need to be included up-front, not as a footnote on their email confirmation. If they’re unsure, they won’t risk the purchase. 8. “You May Also Like...” People like to shop and buy, so it’s a good idea to include links to other interesting items, services, and information to your site or others’. We live in a hyper-connected age anyway, so making it easy for your customers to find other sites isn’t a disadvantage for yours - it actually builds your credibility and underscores your focus on the customer. 9. Updated Information Customers are turned off if they see you haven’t updated your site. If it’s January and you’re still advertising Christmas specials, it’s a red flag that you don’t take your business and your customers seriously. 10. Catalog Your catalog should be online and easy to access. “Call us for more information” is not something any internet shopper wants to read. Since it’s the Information Age, they should have all the information they need to make a purchase at their fingertips. Not having your entire catalog online is an indicator that your online business isn’t a priority for you. All 10 of these items underscore one point - make it as easy as possible for your customers to make a purchase. Make ease-of-use a priority and every other aspect of your website secondary. After all, what’s better - a pretty website or one that’s wildly successful? Go for success! It seems like so many people are starting online stores these days, whether they're creating an open hardware empire like Adafruit or they're selling chocolate in the shape of space invaders. But how exactly are they doing it? Isn't it hard to set up? You could use some great (but not open source) services like Etsy and Shopify, but why give away all that control or pay monthly fees when there's a free-of-cost, fully-developed, feature-rich open source solution called PrestaShop just waiting for you? But what exactly is it? Well, it's a free e-commerce program that lets you manage your catalog and inventory, customize how you want to display your products, offer one-page checkouts, provide branded invoices, offer several payment options, maintain customer accounts, keep track of key visitor analytics, and even help you market your store. Features The official PrestaShop website states that there are more than 310 built-in features, and these aren't small ones -- they represent a lot of key pieces that you'll be interested in. You can check out the Feature List PDF for a full accounting of what's available, but below are some highlights. Easy Exports to eBay - Thinking about adding your products to third-party sites for added exposure? PrestaShop lets you easily place your catalog onto eBay, and if you're interested in Amazon or Google Shopping, you can get those from the Addons store. Customizable Product Pages - If a customer is thinking about buying something but they're on the fence, it would be great to entice them with more photos, right? And what about being able to zoom in on a piece of jewelry or a sweater? How about showing them related products or letting them add a product to a wish list? All of these are built-in functions. Customizable Templates - You might be great at making greeting cards, but what if you're not very good at web design? Don't worry -- there are some basic templates you can customize in PrestaShop. And if you're a CSS whiz, everything is editable and customizable. Lots of Shipping Options - Shipping can be complex and confusing, but PrestaShop has a few modules that can make this a whole lot easier. For example, you can provide shipping discounts, price shipping by weight or total at checkout, and even integrate your site with the United States Post Office, FedEx, UPS, and Canada Post. Easy to Figure Taxes - This feature shouldn't be overlooked -- not all of the services out there figure out how much a customer should be charged in tax, and it can be an intimidating piece of the puzzle to figure out on your own. Each state (and even some cities) has their own rules about sales tax, and if you can use a system that already has it all figured out, that's a huge bonus and time saver. Drawbacks Templates Looks - If you decide to use one of the pre-made templates as-is, it's easy to fall into the "template" look. A little customization and design can solve this issue, but that might mean that you need to pay for some custom work or buy a premium theme. Installation - If you decide to download, install, and maintain PrestaShop yourself, you'll need to know how to get hosting and install PHP and MySQL. The installation process isn't too bad, but if you've never done anything like it, it can be a little overwhelming. PrestaShop does have a hosting partner, though, if you need some extra help. is pretty nice and simpler to use, like I said before they have great free features. When you sign up with Webs, you will be able to create a free sub domain name like, if this was a domain name it would look like But this domain name would be paid for. After you have created the domain name, you’ll be asked to choose what kind of website you want to build; we want to build a web store so choose web store. You will be taken to the site where you’ll build your online store with easy to drop add-ons, remember to put into consideration all the 10 items we talked about earlier to make it as easy as possible for your customers to make a purchase. Your web store is ready for use, maximize your traffic and drive more sales conversion. Know that traffic=conversion=cash, establish yourself as an expert in your field of business and gain customers’ trust and relationship. Make sure any purchased item is delivered on time as stated. If you have a physical store the buyer can follow the address to your shop and pick it up, that’s if they’re close to your shop. Conclusion I am certain you know where to begin but in case you have forgotten, these methods have been proven to work absolutely well, so the question is “how should I begin?” Just start from somewhere after all they say “a journey of a thousand mile begins with a step”, but does a step complete the journey of a thousand mile no, consistency is what you need. If you don’t have the capital to use the paid services then starting with the free ones ain’t a problem, but don’t fail to upgrade to the paid services when you are ready (We can help you set an online store at an affordable cost). That’s if you like. For now I wish you online success! Chapter 4 This is the Fastest and Easiest Way to make money from offline business owners I have ever seen. Whether you are an Internet Marketer, Web Designer, Info Marketer, Bulk SMS Marketer, Graphic Designer, Free Lancer, Student, Job Applicant, Entrepreneur, Single Mother/Father, Family Head, Male or Female, etc. I want to believe that you are reading this because you believe you can take control of your financial life and need a secret weapon that’ll make you money. If my assertion is right, You are Welcome. Then I confidently guarantee that you’ll have at your disposal a secret weapon that can make you more than N250, 000 Naira every month of the year if you aim rightly. There's a massive untapped market right in YOUR local area right now that you can start taking advantage of immediately. It's so easy and powerful that you'll be asking yourself: "why haven't I been doing this all these while?" Did I hear you ask what that is? It's simple: Helping Local Businesses in Your Area Multiply Their Customers/Clients And the fastest way to do so is through DIRECT Mobile messaging! The best time you get Business Owners eager to patronize your service is now, because they need to make more customers and want to make more sales. Never in the history of Nigeria has mobile marketing been as huge as it is now. Business owners are coming to full realization of the direct and quick impact it has on their marketing- both large and small scale businesses. Even politicians and pastors are shifting to the use of sms in mobile messaging in their campaign. This is because it is direct and personal. You'll be doing yourself a lot of regrettable harm if you ignore and miss out on this expanding multi billion naira business. Let me tell you something… My name is Caleb Eze. Six months ago I took my online experience to offline to help offline business owners multiply customers/clients. I give Mobile and Digital Marketing services to offline business owners. I have really hustled, both offline and online. Talking about online business, I have practically tried almost all online businesses, both those that work and those that don't work. Forex trading, Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, info marketing, online survey, Liberty reserve, etc are among them. Moving from one to the other, in some of them I was successful and in many of them I failed flat. Sometimes because of lack of attention and others because they are not as we were told they were. Don't get me wrong here. Doing business online is truly profitable and teaches you a lot of lessons about general marketing. I have become very successful offline at the moment because of my experience online. Making money offline is really easy, quite easier than you may think. And if you really want bigger pay and faster, then helping business owners’ offline is your best bet. I wanted additional source of income, I've always believed that I can actually work with business owners’ offline to help them increase their customer/client base, but the problem was that I didn't really know how to get their attention to what I wanted to offer them. In the process of figuring this out I lost much concentration on my online businesses and was getting broke already. The year was fast running out and it was about Christmas time. In offline business, getting the attention of the business owners and convincing them to use your services are among the biggest challenges, even if you have what it takes to change their business. Another challenge is charging right for the services you give. I'll cover them shortly on this page. I tried hard to figure out an approach that will be simple, direct and convincing enough to any business owner, and which any one can use even if he's new offline, to market his Mobile services. That I did successfully, and… Here Comes the Moment to Act It was Christmas period 2011; I came in contact with City Gold Bag Company in Abuja. They wanted rapid and multiple sales. They wanted people, especially office workers to buy their conference bags among others. The cheapest, easiest and fastest way they could reach people all over the city was by bulk messaging. But they did not have the GSM phone numbers of people to reach them. That was when I came into the picture. With my internet knowledge and possessing the data base of GSM phone numbers arranged in states and local governments which I will soon handover to you if you decide. I was able to send multiple messages to thousands of phone numbers in the areas they chose to cover. What was the result? I cannot say exactly what their returns were at the end of their campaign period. But throughout that Christmas they were so busy to the point of hiring more workers. They were making huge sales on daily basis. I was so glad that I helped them reach such height in their business. It opened my eyes to the world of Direct Mobile Marketing and how desperate businesses need this service. Ever since then I've practically refused to match brake from giving this service to business owners. The money they made was in their pocket. But you'll certainly giggle like a baby when you receive a good pay for doing almost nothing. It worth’s it though, but you must know how to negotiate your prices right. That's the experience. You'll be glad when you regularly receive such pay for your simple services. This success really opened my eyes to the fact that I can really make much money from offline business owners quickly. Each month, I set myself a target of the amount of money I'll make just from this source alone. Since then I have practically helped many businesses grow their customer base at the speed of light. With the use of Direct Mobile Marketing System (DMMS), I have helped small businesses moved from scratch to dominants in their markets; medium scale businesses multiply their customers/clients and sales geometrically. Some of the businesses I have used DMMS to multiply their customers quickly include City Gold Bag Company, Sadona Regent, Large Format, etc. Here's a call I received from a happy client recently: "Hello Caleb… hehehehe (laughs on the phone)… Good morning. I started receiving calls as soon you sent out the message. I have already scheduled appointments with many of them… Sorry I forgot to call you yesterday for your balance and to start the design. Should I send it to your account or will you come over? Thank you very much. I'm so excited."- Chinedu O, Managing Director, City Gold Bag Company Inc. You can use Direct Mobile Marketing System on any business; small, medium or large scale business. It works perfectly well no matter the business and the location. The motivation is based on one fact: Every business needs quick and steady flow of customers/clients In fact, the life blood of every business is in the live customers. And I can help them get customers/clients even while I sit in my house. You can do that too. You see, business owners are desperate for customers/clients. They are willing to pay whoever that can help them multiply their customers so that they can make more sales… You can help them do that if you are smart! And if you do, you'll be the happiest person. Your bank account will certainly bubble month after month. They'll gladly pay you. Here's the deal: Local small business owners LOVE getting much-much more customers/clients and making much, rapid sells. They know that the fastest way and easiest way to reach people is sending them their campaign directly to their phones. At least 96% of the text messages sent get read, they are aware of that. If they don't know, tell them. Yet…No one is there to do it for them! The ones doing it out there are not doing it right. They want the business owners to provide the phone numbers which they will send their campaigns to. They cannot construct the messages in a way that will attract customers to the business owners. They don't even know when and how the message should be constructed to force the receiver into almost patronizing clients instantly. Worst yet, they are regarded as Bulk sms peddlers, and so they are paid peanut on what should be a big deal. The reason is because they use wrong approach. You must be professional in your approach. You can do better than that, and it's very easy. The moment business owners know you have in your possession the data base of more than 85 Million active Nigerian phone numbers arranged in states and local governments, they go absolutely nuts. They know their campaign will reach their local customers in their region, not to unknown destinations. And as for you, you become a Hero and Referrals to you come in like HOT CAKES. They will love you and gladly pay you. That's why I want you to reach out to them. If you get yourself nicely prepared you'll be sure of nothing less than N300k within three/four weeks of the month. Moreover, You can do Direct Mobile Marketing for offline business owners as long as you can read what is on this page. This is because: • You’ll get the Phone Number Database separated in states and LGs. • It gives you a steady source of income. • It is brilliantly simple. Even a student can do it. • It is very easy to start and run it as it requires no start up cost. • Your clients pay you almost 100% upfront • You can use it to expand your current services. • You can easily acquire clients fast • It requires NO-TECH skill. • You have a large and desperate market for your services. • You can use it to impress clients like crazy. Here's How to do it… I have already explained to you what Direct Mobile Marketing (DMM) is. Simply put again, it is helping businesses, schools, churches, event planners and managers, clubs, any business at all, to multiply their customers, clients, students, members, attendants, etc by sending bulk messages directly to the phone numbers of people in the area/city which they want to cover or concentrate on. Your job is simple, just select the numbers from the database and send the message. They provide the message or you create it yourself after they told you what they want. Usually I create the message myself and it has always met their need. The beauty of having the numbers is that you become a Mobile Marketing Consultant to your clients NOT a bulk sms boy. I'll tell you the different. Again you don't sell or give the numbers to your clients, you rent them the numbers. This means that they pay for the numbers whenever they want you to send a new campaign or promotions to them. In that case you keep making money over and over again and again on the same set of numbers each time you send a promotion for the same client. Here's the breakdown: Let's say you got a client who wants his promotions to be sent to 2000 phone numbers in a particular area. And you are renting out the numbers at N10 naira per number. ====> 2000 numbers x N10 = N20, 000 Naira. And let's say you’re sending the campaign three times, which actually makes a particular campaign worthwhile. In that case he's paying for the renting of the numbers 3 times; which makes it N60, 000 Naira only. That's just the cost of the numbers rented out; the cost of the sms is not there yet. If you charge N3.50 for a page of sms, and your SMS Client (the sms platform or portal you use in sending bulk sms) charges you N1.50 that means you have N2 naira left for you as gain. ====> N2 Naira x 2000 Numbers = N4, 000 Naira Multiply by three times you'll send the campaign, it becomes N12, 000 Naira only. This means N60, 000 Naira, the cost of rented numbers PLUS N12, 000 Naira the cost of sms = N72, 000 Naira only. That's from just one client for only one campaign. By the time you have four clients you do this for every month, how much will that be? Punch it up on your calculator; you'll get the exact amount. If you eventually get a politician or a party you'll do this for in the forth coming election, O boy, na there you scatter! How to get interested clients for your services You can have the Phone Numbers Database, acquire all the knowledge on DMM, but without clients you will not make a dime from it. Almost all the businesses needs this service; Bars, Restaurants, Event Centers, Fashion designers, Stylists, Beauticians, Makeup artists, Churches, Schools, Retailers, Event managers, super market, boutiques, electronics, phones, Cinemas, Viewing centers, etc. In getting interested clients for your services, I outline to you the steps every professional follow to get clients that pay real good money. To succeed, follow these steps: STEP1: Research and Focus on highly profitable businesses that are spending money on marketing. STEP2: Get the attention of the prospects: To get the attention of the prospects, first, print some flyers that tell what you offer to the prospects. Next write a concise professional sales letter. Then mail the letter and the flyer in one envelop to each of the prospects. Each letter should bear the business name of each prospect. Writing the letter and coming up with a design for the flyer wouldn’t take you anything. You don’t have to be a marketing expert to do so. I will provide you with a fill-in-the-blanks exact design template for the flyer, also the sales letter. All you’ll need is to put your details on the flyer design then print, same with the letter. STEP3: Follow up! Follow up! Follow up! Build on the interest you created on the clients when you sent him the letter. This you do by following up on them. You will boost your chances of getting them as clients if you call back. STEP4: Wrap up the deal at the meeting STEP5: Get the money quickly: You’ve got this far. What’s more? Get paid right away. At this point the business owner will be waiting for you to mention money. If you don’t mention it he will be forced to ask you “how much does it cost?” What will be your answer to that question? Now go ahead, take advantage of the market and make yourself a highly profitable business at no start up cost. I will give you a COMPLETE Database of Nigeria Active Phone Numbers that cover all the States and Local Governments. I have shown you how to make good money monthly from these numbers no matter where you are. The question now is: Are you ready for the MOBILE-CASH REVOLUTION? If you answered YES, That's Right! Then… I hand you the INSTANT MOBILE-CASH REVOLUTION Report. This Report is a complete guide that Reveals to You How to Make EXTRA N250, 000 Naira Comfortably Every Month From Business Owners In Your Locality Using those Numbers at Your Disposal! This Report is an Extremely Easy To Follow Guide That Covers All You Need To Know About Mobile Marketing For Offline Business Owners. In the Report YOU'LL DISCOVER… • The detailed simple 5-step approach to take to make more than N250k every month helping business owners multiply their customers. Don't skip any of the steps. • How to know business owners that are desperate and ready to pay for your services instantly. • Why you should focus on businesses that are already marketing. • How to know businesses that are marketing already. • The best and most effective way to contact business owners to get their attention. It's very easy. • How to position yourself as a pro in your field and charge your prospects adequately. Don't charge them peanut, advertizing is expensive, they know and they are willing to pay. • What to tell them to make them pay you instantly. • How to respond to the question- 'how much is your service'. See page 11. • A detailed Price Table that shows you how to charge for the renting of the numbers and SMS. Page 7 • Five things you MUST consider when choosing an SMS Client platform. If you make mistake you'll flop your client's campaign and you'll block your chance. You must use a reliable platform. • Why it is very dangerous to introduce yourself to business owners as a bulk sms marketer… and how you should do your introduction. Page 13. • And Lots more… And That's Not All In addition to the INSTANT MOBILE-CASH REVOLUTION Report, I will hand you a second tool: The complete MOBILE MARKETING TOOL KIT worth N8, 000 naira. What You Get Inside The Tool Kit • I will give you a MARKETING SALES LETTER you can simply add your details and send to your prospects. This letter can be adapted for any business. The sales letter educates the prospects and shows him why he should use mobile marketing for his business. And why you are the best person to do it for him. • I will give you a second MARKETING SALES LETTER you can send to schools. This one is designed to be used for schools. It is tailored to their needs. • I will give you a third MARKETING SALES LETTER that you will use when marketing to churches. It spells out their need. Use this for them they will like your service. • I will give you already designed flyer in Corel draw format. You don’t need to waste money and time again looking for a designer for your flyer. Simply inert your details on the design, you’re ready to go. No extra work needed. It’s a fill-in-the-blank design. • I will also give you effective text message format. This will include samples of successful messages used for business campaigns and promotions. If you adapt your text messages to these formats it will have a high conversion rate to make more customers and sells for your clients. • And much more. I’m not done yet… In order to make you fully competent, completely equipped for this business, I'm giving you another report. I wanted to withhold this from giving it out, but I will give it anyway. However, I'm not giving this one out to everyone. I will give it to only the first ten (10) persons that will buy the first report and the tool kit. The title of the report is: “EFFECTIVE MOBILE MARKETING SYSTEM” Your sole goal is to help your clients make more customers/clients, and if you do, you become their delight and you make more money from them. But if you fail to do that they’ll abandon you. That’s why I’m giving you this second report to guide you effectively in delivering your service. In This Report You Will Discover: • Five tips for writing marketing text that get read and produce massive result. • The best time to send out text campaign for it to have a maximum result. • Why it is dangerous to use short codes or the business names of your clients when sending their campaign to the rented numbers. If you make this mistake you may be the cause of your client’s marketing failure. • The secret I use to get the phone numbers of people living in the immediate surroundings of my client’s business place. If you know this secret, you can double your client’s customers and sales within hours. And you become their bestest. • And lot more of other tips… What More Do You Need to Succeed In This Business? Nothing more from me, except answers when you have questions. Everything is on you now. I have provided for you everything needed for you to succeed. I will give you the complete Phone Numbers Database for the whole states and Local Governments. (If you don't have it, hurry now to get it), I provided the INSTANT MOBILE-CASH REVOLUTION Report, MOBILE MARKETING TOOL KIT and the EFFECTIVE MOBILE MARKETING SYSTEM Report. It's all left for you now to choose either to proceed with the business or not. How will you get all this? Simple, just send me N8000 Naira only now, so that you'll be among the first 10 persons that will buy, and all these reports and tool kit will be yours instantly. Yes, I will hand you the success key that will make you at least N250, 000 naira every month of the year for just the small sum of N10, 000 Naira only. What if you are NOT among the first 10 persons to buy the GSM Phone Number Database? Simply, you’ll not get the Effective Mobile Marketing Report. It is only for the first 10 orders. And you know what? Don’t even say you don’t have the small sum of N10, 000 Naira, otherwise get it from the one you have planned to squander on beer and recharge card. Stop burning money and start making money! ALL Local business owners understand the power of Mobile Marketing on their customer multiplication. What they don't know is who has the right tools to do it for them. And it's you! In fact, they feel like they're burning money on other advert methods if they don't do what you offer them! ************************************************************************************************** I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE YOU THAT YOU'LL BE 100% SATISFIED IF YOU INVEST RIGHT NOW IN THIS COURSE. I'LL GIVE YOU SIXTY DAYS TO TRY IT OUT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, IF YOU'RE AT ALL UNSATISFIED YOU'LL BE REFUNDED 100% NO QUESTIONS ASKED. ************************************************************************************************** Who can give you the Phone Numbers Database which everyone else is selling for N25, 000 Naira for N10, 000 with complete marketing course worth more than N12, 000 naira for just N5, 000 Naira only? Well, for you it’s a steal. So you better hurry up and get it now while you can. Here is How To Oder Step 1: Go to any branch of First BANK and invest the small sum of N15, 000 naira only into Account Name: Sunday Elizabeth Elewechi Account Number: 3080945526 Bank: First Bank Step 2: After payment, pick up your phone and call or text 08140670213. Text your name, email address and phone number. You can also send it to When I receive your payment details, I will send you the complete Mobile Marketing Course, which includes: the Instant Mobile-Cash Revolution, Phone Numbers Database the Marketing Tool Kit and the Effective Mobile Marketing Report, all at the same time. Meet you at the top. Your Partner in Success, Caleb Eze. P.S. You will have in your possession the database of more than 85 Million active Nigerian phone numbers arranged in states and local governments. P.S. To get the EFFECTIVE MOBILE MARKETING Report you must be among the first ten people that buy the course. So act now! Chapter 5 YouTube is undoubtedly the world’s largest video sharing website with hundreds of millions of people watching its videos daily. It is a fact that when looking for information, a sizeable number of people prefer watching a video about the subject than reading a book on it. This explains why so many people use YouTube and why many website owners now plug videos to their websites in addition to their articles. The huge number of users of YouTube has made it a great marketing platform to source for potential buyers, and indeed, you can acquire thousands of highly targeted traffic from YouTube for free and increase your income. Here is a simple system to follow to make comfortable income consistently from YouTube. The main idea of this system is to create simple, informational YouTube videos for a target profitable niche market. The videos are to get the attention of thousands of prospects and take them to the review page of the product you are promoting, and from there to its sales page where they make an order and you get paid a commission. Once the system is set, you can continue to make money from the traffic coming from viewers of your video even without you doing anything again. And by the time you have several of such video campaigns on the Internet; you can then multiply your income. Determining a Profitable Niche to Explore This is always the first thing to do if you are talking about making money on the Internet as a marketer. This step is very important: You must be sure from the onset that the market you are targeting has a record of buying products. If they don’t, but are only interested in getting free stuff, then you know you cannot make money there. You need those that can buy your products so that you can make money. Therefore, follow the steps below to find a profitable niche market to explore. Finding a Niche with a Record of Purchasing Products Starting a successful YouTube video campaign begins with finding a niche where people have a record of buying a lot of products. To do this, you can visit affiliate centers like,, and and see the array of products they are selling, you can also check for top selling products in some of the affiliate centers to have an idea of products and niches people are buying a lot from. has published hundreds of books on different topics. Each of the book titles published must have a commercially viable number of people interested in it; otherwise they would not commit funds to publishing it. In fact, they would have spent lots of money researching each title to know if it would be profitable before going ahead to publish it. Therefore, you can rest assured that any of their book titles can be a profitable niche to promote. After determining the market to target, the next thing is to find quality products with good conversion rates to sign up to promote. There are several affiliate centers, including,,, and where one can find various products to promote and earn commissions on sales. You can also find affiliate opportunities from individual companies or websites if you do a search in Google for your target niche market or the products you are interested in promoting. Setting Up a Review Page for the Product Your marketing campaign will be more effective and produce more sales if you have a review page for the product you are promoting that you will be sending prospects to before they are taken to the product’s sales page. This pre-sells and removes buying resistance considerably from your prospects before going to the product’s sales page. In such a buying mood, it will be easy to make more sales than taking prospects directly to the product’s sales page from the point of acquiring them. Although you can use the free website platform to set up your product’s review page, it is however more professional and effective to host your review page in your own server with a unique domain name. Some prospects may not take your site seriously the moment they see you are using a free website, talk less of following your link to buy the product. You might make some sales though if you used a free website platform, but you would make more if you use a self owned domain name hosted in your server; that’s what all professional Internet marketers’ use. With one hosting account, you can host numerous websites or pages. You can even share an account with other people or help them to host their sites in your server for a fee, such that at the end of the year, you are paying peanuts or nothing at all to renew the account. You might even be making some profit from selling hosting space to other people. You can get a hosting package today with HostGator, one of the industry leaders, at a 25% discount by using the coupon code: moneyway2014. To write your product review, you can read up information about the product, including previous buyers’ reviews, to write something exciting about the product by emphasizing its strengths and playing down its weaknesses if it has any. You can read up a couple of reviews online to have an idea of how to prepare yours. Having done that, the next step is to create simple YouTube Videos that will provide valuable information to your target audience. Creating Simple YouTube Videos Firstly let me point out that you don’t need any experience or skills to create these videos and you do not need a camera or anything like that as well. All that you need to make the videos is your computer and free software that I will show you shortly. For this YouTube income generating system to be effective, you will need to create several videos for your marketing campaign, the more the better. All you need to do is to use the knowledge of creating one to produce others, it’s that simple. And the beautiful thing about creating these videos is that it doesn’t take time to create them; in fact, you can produce 1 or 2 minute videos and that will be great as long as they give the viewer the information that they want. These are not live videos and you or any other person needs not appear in it. They are simple videos that provide information on a subject to the viewer. Let’s suppose we are targeting the fitness market and we want to create a video to promote a product in that niche that we are affiliate of. This is how we go about it: We need to pick a relevant topic to do the video on. We go to the book section of and do a search for fitness. Pick one of the books and click on the “Look inside” link on top the book’s cover. You will be able to see the outline of the book with the topics that it treats. For instance, we have a book that outlines 12 myths people usually have about having a fit body. Therefore, “12 myths about having a fit body to avoid” can be a good topic for your video. Now do some research for this topic and have a summarized 12 points report. After that is done, open PowerPoint, which is part of Microsoft Office available in all Windows operated computers. If you are not familiar with PowerPoint, take some minutes to familiarize yourself with it, just like MS Word, it’s not difficult to understand and use. If you don’t have PowerPoint on your system, you can download and install “Open Office” instead. Using PowerPoint, create a slide for each of the 12 points of your report. The first slide is for introduction where you state the topic of the video presentation. Don’t forget to put your website’s URL at the bottom of the introduction. You can also insert suitable pictures that you have license to use or are free to use in the slide to make it more appealing. Choose the display format for your slide and save it. Check to see that it is playing well, and that the slides are well formatted and proofread. Having done that, the next stage is to convert the PowerPoint presentation you have created into a video format. To do this you need a certain software product. There are paid software products in the market for this, however, you can use Screencast-O-Matic, which is free to use. Download and install Screencast-O-Matic at their website to your computer system. Again, take some time to study and understand how it works, but I can assure you it is very simple to understand and use. Screencast-O-Matic operates by recording materials or files on your computer screen. After installation, open it; it will cover an area of your computer screen on which it will record anything you display there. Click on your PowerPoint presentation that you made earlier, and as it starts rolling, click on the start button of Screencast-O-Matic to start recording. Using a headset with a microphone inserted to your computer, read the text showing on each slide. Be sure to do this in a quiet place so you don’t have background sound interfering with your recording. If you think your voice is not good enough, you can ask someone else to read the text for you, or you can simply play suitable background music while the recording is going on. You can get background music for free here:,, Let your videos not be too long, 3 to 5 minutes is okay. You don’t want to bore the viewer, but for them to quickly watch the video and visit your product’s review page. That’s it, your video is done! Submitting Your Video to YouTube Go to to sign up and follow the direction to uploading videos. Where you are asked to fill the description for the video, make sure to also state the URL of the product’s review page, e.g. Make sure to include the http:// part. When people view the video, they will see your URL and many of them would like to visit your web page where they’d find the product’s review and then go ahead to purchase it if they want it. Replicating the Process Replicate the process of creating videos and produce several videos in the same niche but on different topics, with URL all directed to the review page. This increases the traffic coming to the product’s review page, which also enhances sales. Driving Traffic to Your Videos Even though you can enjoy free traffic from the multitude of people that visit YouTube on their own daily to watch videos, you can increase the traffic to your videos by doing some traffic generating activities. These include promoting your videos on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs and forums, etc. Success Factor in YouTube Video Marketing The videos have to look professional even though they are simple videos. The text should be well proofread and formatted and there should not be background noise interfering with the sound. If you or someone else is reading the text, let the voice be audible and clear so viewers don’t get confused about what you are saying. • The product’s review must be well written. Remember: this is actually a sales copy to make the product irresistible. You don’t have to lie about the product, but from what you read about it from previous people who bought it and rated it high, you can emphasize its areas of strength, while acknowledging the product’s shortcomings if there are any, but playing it down and proffering solutions to the shortcomings. You can study a number of product reviews online and learn how to write a good one. However, if you feel you can’t write one, do outsource it to someone that can do a better job. The strength of your product review can determine whether prospects coming here will move ahead to ordering the product or not. Chapter 6 If there’s one thing entrepreneurs love to do, it is creating jobs for others. They are never satisfied. They keep thinking of how to reinvent themselves. There are essentially 3 definite strategies for growing a business. No more, no less. Below are the vital business growth strategies: Strategy #1: Get More Customers and Clients When we talk about growing a business, this is by far the most common approach: get more customers and clients. Here are 7 ways to get more customers and clients: • Drive more traffic to your website • Improve the effectiveness of your ads and sales letters. • Create stronger offers that appeal to more people in your target market. • Enlist the help of affiliates to reach more people. • Ask for referrals. • Down-sell prospects that reject your initial offer. • Craft irresistible guarantees so your customers have little or no risk when they buy. • Use the direct mobile marketing system for faster results. Strategy #2: Get Your Customers to Buy More Frequently Most entrepreneurs and business owners focus on getting the first sale, and then neglect to ever get a second. Here are 6 ways to get your customers and clients to buy from you more frequently: • Create a customer mailing list. Send them customers-only offers on a weekly or monthly basis. • Send out promotional emails to your list on a more frequent basis. • Run time-limited or quantity-limited promotions and use scarcity to get customers to act now instead of later. • Design a product funnel that automatically moves your clients from one purchase to the next. • Start a monthly continuity program that automatically bills customers every month. (Print newsletter, membership site, etc.) • Use autoresponder email sequences to automatically introduce your prospects to all of your products. Strategy #3: Keep Your Customers Longer If you can keep a customer or client for an extra month or two, or even an extra year, that could bring hundreds of thousands of extra naira to you — especially if you have a continuity program or a well-designed promotional calendar. Here are 8 ways to encourage loyalty and keep your customers and clients for a longer period of time: • Send out surprise bonus gifts with new purchases. (You may even consider giving away promotional items that are branded with your business name so you stay in your customers’ minds.) • Create a follow-up sequence of communication designed to get customers and clients to actually use the product or service they’ve purchased. (This is based on “consumption theory”... the idea that customers who consume your product are most likely to continue using it.) • Call your best customers and clients and thank them for their business. • Send out birthday cards and Christmas cards/gifts. • Deliver more value than you’ve promised to deliver. Go above and beyond. • Ask your customers and clients for testimonials. (After a customer has publicly declared their support of you, they will automatically be more loyal to you and your business.) • Create a loyalty program with incentives to encourage customer longevity. (For example, bonus gifts or free items that kicks in after a certain level of purchases.) • Publish the date when a person subscribes and/or becomes a customer. (Ex: Customer since 4/2010.) Work with these ideas and your business growth is guaranteed. Take action today!! Make Money Online-List of affiliate programs for Nigerians If you are a Nigerian/webmaster still struggling to make your first $$$ online,then affiliate marketing may just be a perfect one for you.With affiliate marketing,you no longer need to depend solely on google adsense before you can make some money online.With these local affiliate programs,you no longer need to disturb yourself about owning or operating a paypal account which is not allowed in this part of the world.affiliate program In this short post.i will show you a list of affiliate programmes you can use/promote as a Nigerian and get paid in Naira without any need for a paypal account Jumia Online Shop Jumia is one of the leading online retail shops in Nigeria and serves as a major source of income to many bloggers /webmasters.Even though i have not had my own share of the jumia affiliate program,it is no doubt a legitimate and paying affiliate program for some webmasters. To earn as an affiliate from Jumia,all you have to do is sign up as an affiliate, promote Jumia products with banners, text links and innovative tools such as the Editor’s kit and the Flexible destination tool.In return, you receive commissions for driving new sales and active users to jumia. It is that simple! Sign up to become a jumia affiliate at Konga is another top Online retail shop in Nigeria that caters to the needs of the growing populace in Nigeria.Konga offers website owners the opportunity to earn money by a way of affiliate programme.Kongas affiliate programme is similar to that of jumia where you promote konga products with banners, text links and innovative tools such as the Editor’s kit and the Flexible destination tool.In return, you receive commissions for driving new sales and active users to pays up to 9% per sale. How To Generate and Place Konga Affiliate Ad Banners/Links On Your Blog You can sign up to be a Konga affiliate by using my affiliate link… Web4africa Web4Africa offers professional reseller and shared web hosting on linux and windows platforms, as well as affordable domain name registration and e-commerce solutions for residents of Nigeria, Ghana and the rest of the world. As a web4africa customer,you can make money through their affiliate programme by referring customers to buy webhosting,and domain names from web4africa.enjoy! The Number One Secret Of Entrepreneurs The internet is the most difficult place to look to start and build an income generating business on your own. Unless you know exactly what you want and get straight to it, if you come online looking for how to make money, I’ll advice you get some doze of pain-killer, because you’ll have series of head ache to deal with. Don’t agree with me? Allow me to engage your mind for a minute or two – we’ll be glad we did. Business success secret
The number one secret of Successful online business owners I’m not a fan of this whole ‘Secret’ cliché. In fact, what I’m about to share with you is nothing new. You might read this and be like, “Hmmm! I know this but why haven’t I done anything about it?” There are several characteristics of successful people, but this is not one of the commonly shared ones. In fact, it is rarely shared in the mainstream media. When it comes to doing business online or anything worthwhile for that matter, one skill successful online business owners develop is Effective Distraction Management. Looking at it from the other side, the biggest enemy, the biggest challenge of unsuccessful online entrepreneurs and hustlers is poor distraction management – lack difficulty to FOCUS – Follow One Course Until Successful. Where do I start from? Which of these businesses should I concentrate on? Which tool do I use, which should I ignore? Which marketing channels should I employ? Who should I listen to? Successful online business owners answer these questions and move on with what’s necessary. Unsuccessful ones spend most of their time either contemplating on these questions, dabbling from one business or strategy to the other or trying to do too many things at a time. In a blog post, “Are you feeling Overwhelmed” by Chris Brogan, he talks about his number one secret of being one of the most consistent and effective content creators around; how you are playing the world’s number one secret game and how you are losing big time. He calls this world’s number one secret game, Distraction; with a capital D. The problem There is a torrent of information and tools on the internet today – you are just a few clicks away to finding information on any subject you can think of. Think about all the information you have gathered for free about any subject. What have you done with it? I’ve been a victim of what I call ‘Diluted information syndrome’. I’m so obsessed with learning that I often feel like there is something I still need to learn about everything. There are bits and bits of material scattered online, which makes it difficult to tell when you have learned reasonably well on a subject. This is why I now prefer to take structured online courses or read books on any subject I seriously need to learn. The dilution of information on the internet, if you don’t take care, will keep you fumbling for information, in the name of learning, for a very long time and end up making nothing out of it. A general advice Stop feeling like there is one secret sauce lying somewhere waiting for you to find it. Most times, the best way to know how much you [don’t] know and to learn even more is to use and teach what you already know. When it comes to looking for the perfect online business or marketing strategy, the problem is that the more you look, the more you find and the more confused you get. And let me free you of this spell from the witch castle on Mystery Island, “there is no perfect business for you. You have to pick a dang business model and make it the perfect match for you”. Not-so bitter truth You see, there are basically two kinds of people online (at least from the perspective of this topic); the producers and the consumers. Successful people online concentrate and spend more time on production than consumption. The reason you have been broke since you ventured into online business is because you have been a chronic consumer all along. Think about it, if you have been looking for the next rave of opportunity, if you have been following all the gurus; if you have been reading all the blogs; but haven’t created your own stuff, you are playing the losing side of the world’s number game – Distraction, with a capital D. In my next posts, I will be sharing very insightful contents on this topic – Distraction – how to deal with it to start getting results in your online business. To stay updated, enter your First name and email below to subscribe to my newsletter.

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